Friday, September 14, 2007

Side by Side: Five Favorate Picture-Book Teams go to Work

Marcus, Leonard S. 2001. SIDE BY SIDE: FIVE FAVORITE PICTURE BOOK TEAMS GO TO WORK. Ill. By Leonard Marcus. New York: Walker and Company. ISBN 0802787797

Plot Summary
In this book, Leonard Marcus describes five separate stories and the process of how teams of authors and illustrators created picture books. Each team he describes in details how they met to develop and/or collaborate in their own distinct way. This book really went into detail to explain how authors and illustrators had to work together to create books.

Critical Analysis
This was a great book for representing the process of making picture books. The notes and sketches in the book really showed how many steps are involved for not only the authors, but also the illustrators. By the examples of different teams we can see how the authors and illustrators collaborate in various ways to create wonderful picture books.

Review Excerpts (s)
Review in Publishers Weekly
"Readers snared by their interest in the teams behind favorites such as the Magic School Bus series and The Stinky Cheese Man will appreciate the insights into the inner workings of bookmaking, and may well end up appreciating the books more for the energy and ingenuity it takes to create them."

Review in School Library Journal
"Many of the titles described will be familiar to readers. However, even those who have not seen some of the featured books will be engaged by the creativity and cooperation exhibited here."-Steven Engelfried, Beaverton City Library, OR Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

*This book really gives you an insight on how much work and collaboration is involved in making picture books.
*Read this book to your class, or a chapter about a particular team (depending on the age group). Then pair them up and have one write the text and one illustrate.

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